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We watch out for each other and run the field as a pack, we are stronger as a pack, fearless as a pack, we never let anyone stand in our way as a pack, we will not be defeated as a pack, and we share our victories as a pack.

NINJA, Major

Matthew Rodriguez, married with currently one son. Works full time alongside Rabbit. Wanted to get into something with a team and airsoft has fit the bill. Trying to learn as much as possible from others and research, enjoys teaching others new things also. Other hobbies include video games, fishing, camping, spending time with family and friends.

RABBIT, Captain

Charlie Sims, aka Squirt, single with 3 sons and one on the way. Works full time with Ninja. Has experience in paintball, airsoft tournaments, and was in the Army 

JACKAL, Lieutenant
RYMAN, Cadet
NEPH, Cadet

meet the pack

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